  • 我的观影记录

 《Tomorrow, when the war breaks out》 introduce

Seven high school students went camping on a hike in a remote town. When they returned home, they found that Australia had fallen into war, and they had to take up arms to fight back... IRiver went camping with his good friends Omo, Takham, Kevin, Cory, Robbian and Fiona. A week later, they returned from the camp. But when they returned to the city, they found that people were constantly missing, and the pets and livestock they raised were also constantly dying. At this moment, this group of young people realized that their families who went to the commemorative festival carnival may never come back. Fortunately, Curry's father sent a fax back from the carnival earlier, warning his child that his country was being invaded by armed forces and the country was in chaos. He hoped his child could find a place to hide. After seeing the fax, these young people immediately went to their homes separately to see if there were still family members alive. But Robbian and Katam never returned. At the same time, Ellie, Kevin, and Kerry were pursued by the invading army. In the process of resistance, Ai killed three soldiers using a lawn mower, but he himself was also injured. Helplessly, they had to hide in Kerry's house. At this moment, the enemy's bombers began bombing the area, as if they were trying to drive out all these young people. IRiver Ormo finally decide to go to Robyn and Katum. They found them in a low lying small ditch. The reason why they were unable to return was that Katam was shot in the leg. During their escape, they discovered another surviving good friend, Chris. At the beginning of the invasion, Chris hid and finally saved his life. These five good friends have found other people hiding near Kerry's house - from now on, they will join hands to deal with those invaders. The city was no longer safe, so they had to flee back to their own campsite. Omo came up with a temporary way to save himself by burning down a wooden bridge that led to the camping site in the city. So they found some fuel and prepared to burn down the bridge. During the implementation of this plan, Kerry was shot. While hesitating in the Safe house, Kevin volunteered to send Corey to the enemy's hospital, hoping that they could deal with Corey's injury. In this way, the eight good friends were divided into two groups. Kevin left with Corey, and the remaining six people drove their stolen cars into the campsite to continue their guerrilla struggle.

 《明日,戰爭爆發時》 繁體簡介

講述7名高中生到一個偏遠的小鎮遠足露營,回到家時發現澳大利亞已經陷入戰爭,他們不得不拿起武器展開反擊……艾利和自己的好朋友奧莫、塔卡姆、凱文、科瑞、羅比恩和菲奧娜一起去野營,一個星期之後,他們從野營地歸來。 可是當他們回到都市之後,卻發現都市裏人在不斷地失踪,人們餵養的寵物和牲口也在不斷地死掉。 這個時候,這一群年輕人才意識到他們前往紀念節日狂歡場的家人可能永遠也不會回來了。 幸運的是科瑞的爸爸在早些時候從狂歡場發回來了一條傳真,他在上面警告自己的孩子說,自己的國家正在遭受武裝入侵,全國一片混亂,他希望自己的孩子能找個地方躲起來。 看到傳真之後,這些年輕人立即分頭前往自己的家裡,看看是不是還有家人活著。 但是羅比恩和卡塔姆一去不回。 與此同時,艾利、凱文和科瑞遭到了入侵軍隊的追擊。 在反抗的過程中,艾利用割草機殺死了三個阿兵哥,但是他自己也受了傷。 無奈之下,他們只有躲進了科瑞的家裡。 這個時候,敵人的轟炸機開始對這個地區進行轟炸,他們似乎要將這些年輕人趕盡殺絕。 艾利和奧莫最終決定去找羅比恩和卡塔姆。 他們在一個地勢低窪的小水溝裏找到了他們。 他們沒有辦法返回的原因是卡塔姆的腿部中彈。 在逃亡的過程中,他們又發現了一個倖存的好朋友克裡斯,在入侵一開始,克裡斯就躲了起來,總算是撿回來了一條命。 這五個好朋友找到了躲在科瑞家附近的其他人--從現在開始,他們就要攜起手來對付那些入侵者了。 都市裏已經不再安全,他們只好又逃回了自己野營地。 奧莫想到了一個暫時保全自己的辦法,燒毀都市通往野營地的一座木橋。 於是他們找來了一點燃料,準備燒掉這座橋。 在施行這個計畫的過程中,科瑞中槍。 在安全屋躊躇之際,凱文自告奮勇要把科瑞送到敵人的醫院去,希望他們能處理科瑞的傷勢。 就這樣,八個好朋友分成了兩撥。 凱文帶著科瑞離去,剩下的六個人開著偷來的車進入了野營地,繼續他們的遊擊抗爭。


公元 2010年,由  斯图尔特·贝亚蒂耶,John Marsden 等老师负责剧本编写, Stuart,Beattie导演负责制作, 蕾切儿·哈伍德,菲比·汤金,凯特琳·斯塔西,林肯·刘易斯,Deniz,Akdeniz,Matthew,Dale 等明星实力参演的 动作片《明日,战争爆发时》, 此影片于2010-09-02(澳大利亚)上映, 更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮在线观看!网飞TV祝您观影愉快!

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  • 1、请问电影《明日,战争爆发时》什么时候上映?

    网飞TV 影迷: 电影《明日,战争爆发时》于2010年在澳大利亚,美国上映 ,具体的上映日期为2010-09-02(澳大利亚)。

  • 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《明日,战争爆发时》?

    奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《明日,战争爆发时》免费在线观看,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看明日,战争爆发时免费网址:https://www.wangfei.de/voddetail/110587.html这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】

  • 3、请问《明日,战争爆发时》什么类型的电影?

    时代TV 网友:《明日,战争爆发时》是2010年澳大利亚,美国制作的剧情,动作,冒险,动作片类电影。

  • 4、请问谁有《明日,战争爆发时》高清无删减版资源

    美团电影 网友:网飞TV提供《明日,战争爆发时》高清无删减版在线播放,这个网站高清无广告!截止到2024-04-13 01:16:54,网飞TV提供的《明日,战争爆发时》已经更新到 HD 画质。

  • 5、电影《明日,战争爆发时》演员都有哪些?

    哈哈影视 网友:明日,战争爆发时有以下主演:蕾切儿·哈伍德,菲比·汤金,凯特琳·斯塔西,林肯·刘易斯,Deniz,Akdeniz,Matthew,Dale

  • 6、电影《明日,战争爆发时》评价怎么样?


  • 7、电影《明日,战争爆发时》Neflix影评

    Ne tflix电影最佳影评:我感觉《明日,战争爆发时》还不错的, Stuart,Beattie导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 蕾切儿·哈伍德,菲比·汤金,凯特琳·斯塔西,林肯·刘易斯,Deniz,Akdeniz,Matthew,Dale等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。



