  • 我的观影记录



新版《西游记》以全新的特效制作和独特深刻的剧情诠释赢得了现场观众的一致好评,该剧用好莱坞式的特效打造了老版《西游记》未能完成的效果,出品人马中骏曾透露:“我们投下了一个多亿,大半都给了特技班底。”为了让观众体验到国产电视剧的“大手笔”效果,制片人张纪中更是特意为此次点映活动剪辑出了浓缩电影版新《西游记》。  据新《西游记》的总制片人张纪中透露,新《西游记》如此高调地走入观众视线,实际是为了将西游文化再次传播。当初之所以选择再重新拍摄《西游记》,是因为想通过这版西游记可以将原著《西游记》之中独具魅力的中国儒釋道文化精髓反映并且传递出来,而这次精选剪辑出来的电影版《西游记》也是对西游文化的再一次传承。  2011年大型神话魔幻巨制《西游记》之所以称其为新《西游记》,是相对于老版1986年由央视拍摄的《西游记》而言,新《西游记》总投资超过1亿,全剧极大程度上,忠实原著,同时加入了大量电脑特技,有中国版《指环王》之称。  新版《西游记》目前已在北京地方台热播,由吴樾所饰演的孙悟空也由此揭开了神秘面纱,率真可爱、机智幽默、逞强好胜,人性化的演绎得到广大观众的好评。新版《西游记》最精彩的部分便是注重展现原著的精髓,即孙悟空的成长,用更人性化的方式表现他从本心天真、邪魔外侵、内心角力、抛开心魔,最后返璞归真得自由的过程,这也是它与以往版本最大的不同。在已播出的部分中,石猴出世、拜师学艺、大闹天宫等观众耳熟能详的桥段一一登场,“叛逆期”的逞强好胜、懵懂冲动引起不少观众的共鸣。  “这正是孙悟空人性化的一个表现。旧版的孙悟空已经是几代人认可的经典,我再来演绎不是说要超越或者突破,而是希望演出不同的部分,我觉得这一版孙悟空在表演上最大的不同就是人性化。”孙悟空饰演者吴樾说。另外,由臧金生饰演的猪八戒、聂远饰演的唐僧以及徐锦江饰演的沙悟净也各有全新的表现。

Journey to the West

2023-11-04 14:48:40,最后更新于6月前

 《Journey to the West》 introduce

The new version of"Journey to the West" has won unanimous praise from the live audience with its brand new special effects production and unique and profound plot interpretation. The show uses Hollywood style special effects to create effects that the old version of"Journey to the West" failed to achieve. The producer Ma Zhongjun once revealed:"We invested over one billion yuan, most of which was given to the special effects team." In order to let the audience experience the"big bang" effect of domestic TV dramas, Producer Zhang Jizhong specially edited a condensed film version of the new"Journey to the West" for this screening event.According to Zhang Jizhong, the chief producer of the new"Journey to the West", the high-profile entry of the new"Journey to the West" into the audience's attention is actually aimed at spreading the culture of the Journey to the West again. The reason why I chose to remake"Journey to the West" was because I wanted to reflect and convey the unique essence of Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in the original work"Journey to the West" through this edition. The selected and edited film version of"Journey to the West" also inherits the culture of Journey to the West once again.The reason why the 2011 large-scale mythological and magical blockbuster"Journey to the West" is called the new"Journey to the West" is that compared to the old version of"Journey to the West" shot by CCTV in 1986, the total investment of the new"Journey to the West" exceeds 100 million. The entire drama is largely faithful to the original work, and also incorporates a large number of computer special effects, earning it the title of the Chinese version of"Lord of the Rings".The new version of"Journey to the West" has now been popular on local television in Beijing, and the mysterious veil of Sun Wukong, played by Wu Yue, has also been lifted. It is straightforward, cute, witty, humorous, and competitive, with a humanized performance that has received praise from a large audience. The most exciting part of the new version of Journey to the West is its emphasis on showcasing the essence of the original work, which is Sun Wukong's growth. It portrays in a more humane way his innocent nature, the invasion of demons, the struggle within, the abandonment of demons, and finally the process of returning to simplicity and freedom, which is also its biggest difference from previous versions. In the already aired sections, well-known scenes such as the birth of the Stone Monkey, apprenticeship, and the commotion of the Heavenly Palace have appeared one by one, and the"rebellious period" of being competitive and impulsive has resonated with many viewers.This is exactly a manifestation of Sun Wukong's humanization. The old version of Sun Wukong has been recognized as a classic by several generations, and when I come to perform it again, I don't mean to surpass or break through, but rather to perform different parts. I think the biggest difference in Sun Wukong's performance in this version is humanization,"said Wu Yue, who played Sun Wukong. In addition, Zhu Bajie played by Zang Jinsheng, Tang Seng played by Nie Yuan, and Sha Wujing played by Xu Jinjiang each have new performances.

 《西遊記》 繁體簡介

新版《西遊記》以全新的特效製作和獨特深刻的劇情詮釋贏得了現場觀眾的一致好評,該劇用荷里活式的特效打造了老版《西遊記》未能完成的效果,出品人馬中駿曾透露:“我們投下了一個多億,大半都給了特技班底。”為了讓觀眾體驗到國產電視劇的“大手筆”效果, 製片人張紀中更是特意為此次點映活動剪輯出了濃縮電影版新《西遊記》。據新《西遊記》的總製片人張紀中透露,新《西遊記》如此高調地走入觀眾視線,實際是為了將西遊文化再次傳播。 當初之所以選擇再重新拍攝《西遊記》,是因為想通過這版西遊記可以將原著《西遊記》之中獨具魅力的中國儒釋道文化精髓反映並且傳遞出來,而這次精選剪輯出來的電影版《西遊記》也是對西遊文化的再一次傳承。2011年大型神話魔幻巨制《西遊記》之所以稱其為新《西遊記》,是相對於老版1986年由央視拍攝的《西遊記》而言,新《西遊記》總投資超過1億,全劇極大程度上,忠實原著,同時加入了大量電腦特技,有中國版《指環王》之稱。新版《西遊記》現時已在北京地方臺熱播,由吳樾所飾演的孫悟空也由此揭開了神秘面紗,率真可愛、機智幽默、逞強好勝,人性化的演繹得到廣大觀眾的好評。 新版《西遊記》最精彩的部分便是注重展現原著的精髓,即孫悟空的成長,用更人性化的管道表現他從本心天真、邪魔外侵、內心角力、拋開心魔,最後返璞歸真得自由的過程,這也是它與以往版本最大的不同。 在已播出的部分中,石猴出世、拜師學藝、大鬧天宮等觀眾耳熟能詳的橋段一一登場,“叛逆期”的逞強好勝、懵懂衝動引起不少觀眾的共鳴。“這正是孫悟空人性化的一個表現。舊版的孫悟空已經是幾代人認可的經典,我再來演繹不是說要超越或者突破,而是希望演出不同的部分,我覺得這一版孫悟空在表演上最大的不同就是人性化。”孫悟空飾演者吳樾說。 另外,由臧金生飾演的猪八戒、聶遠飾演的唐僧以及徐錦江飾演的沙悟淨也各有全新的表現。


公元 2012年,由  高大庸,郎雪枫,黄永辉,刘毅 等老师负责剧本编写, 张建亚导演负责制作, 吴樾,聂远,臧金生,徐锦江,王九胜,刘涛 等明星实力参演的 国产剧《西游记》, 此影片于2012-01-30上映, 更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮在线观看!网飞TV祝您观影愉快!

网飞TV影视于 2023-07-20 20:20:04整理收录此片,并在 2023-11-04 14:48:40再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《西游记》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:西游记西游记在线观看西游记免费观看西游记百度云西游记下载 等。



  • 1、请问《西游记》每天几点更新?

    网飞TV 影迷: 国产剧《西游记》于2012年在中国播出 。具体的首播日期为2012-01-30,网飞TV更新很快的,基本实时同步优酷视频、 腾讯视频、爱奇艺等各大平台,你可以收藏一下网飞TV网址,手机的话可以把网址添加到手机桌面,跟APP一样方便,追剧的时候就可以第一时间观看啦!。

  • 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《西游记》?

    奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《西游记》免费在线观看,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看西游记免费网址:https://www.wangfei.de/voddetail/359407.html这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】

  • 3、请问《西游记》什么类型的电视剧?

    时代TV 网友:《西游记》是2012年中国制作的动作,奇幻,冒险,古装类电视连续剧。

  • 4、请问《西游记》有多少集??

    美团电影 网友:《西游记》共有60集,网飞TV提供《西游记》高清无删减版在线播放,这个网站提供全集高清在线无广告播放及mp4下载!截止到2023-11-04 14:48:40,网飞TV提供的《西游记》已经 第60集完结 。

  • 5、《西游记》演员都有哪些?

    哈哈影视 网友:西游记由吴樾,聂远,臧金生,徐锦江,王九胜,刘涛等老师参与出演

  • 6、《西游记》评价怎么样?


  • 7、《西游记》Neflix剧评

    Netflix最佳剧评:我感觉《西游记》还不错的, 张建亚导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 吴樾,聂远,臧金生,徐锦江,王九胜,刘涛等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。



